Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I am a Baby Boomer. Sons grown and gone (or just about) after being a single Mum for some 20 years. Now in a fulltime job, with excellent pay, but due to the collapse of most superannuation funds, thought, back at the beginning of this year, how the hell can I support myself , own my own home and live the lifestyle I want now my super is almost halved!?!?

Well I began 'surfing' the Net back in Feb.2008 and came across a site which looked good (and was Australian to begin with!) and so I looked a little further.

To cut a long story short, I signed up as a member, enrolled in a 4 day seminar and took on the homestudycourse (monthly payments) and I've never been the same since!!!!

It is now November 2008 and I have 2(!!!) investment properties, both brand new 5*houses with Corporate clients as tenants and am about to start my own online business - while still continuiing with my present occupation for a while! How did I achieve all this in less than 1 year??

It all started with the 1 web-site I came across and it's just gone on from there.

If I can anyone can!

Check it out.
See what you think.

The link is.....

More lata'

Bye for Now.
Hi All

setting up a new blog which will help anyone, anywhere (I hope) deal with, and possibly succeed in todays Global Economic Crisis. This blog will contain info and resourses I have come across during the past year, which I would like to share with you.

Until Then